Celebrating him!

Funny, Clever and Brave...
Irreverent, Naughty and Rather Kind...
Loved and missed
Laughter is good. We all know that.

Knowing how to make people laugh and forget sweating the tedious small stuff for a little while is better yet!
It brings a kind of relaxation to the face -
and spirit!
Rob could do that...

Monday 2 January 2012

"Snowdrops are another herald of the Spring. First, they are sort of pale-green points peeping from the soil; then they split into two fat, uterine leaves and that is that. Then they flower some time at the beginning of February and I tell you, no Palm of Victory or Tree of Knowledge or Laurel of Glory is more beautiful than this little white fragile cup on a pale stalk waving in the rough wind."

Karel Capek (The Gardener's Year)

Here this 2nd January are "pale-green points peeping" from last autumn's planting.

And so it goes - life renews. Without fail. Cheerfully!

Happy Birthday Rob


The Mistress said...

Happy birthday, Mr. Mutley.

I think of you often and miss your humour.

I'm so glad this blog is here in your memory.

merry weather said...

It is very nice to hear that.
Thank you MJ :-)