Celebrating him!

Funny, Clever and Brave...
Irreverent, Naughty and Rather Kind...
Loved and missed
Laughter is good. We all know that.

Knowing how to make people laugh and forget sweating the tedious small stuff for a little while is better yet!
It brings a kind of relaxation to the face -
and spirit!
Rob could do that...

Monday, 21 May 2018

Tree of Life

The lush magnificence of May again. Celebration: I am ten years a gardener now. Sorrow: Rob is eight years gone. He was a great supporter of my career choice. I think, well, I like to think, he'd be proud of how far I've come.

Working is always a joy. I truly love my job. It has no negatives!

The hard part of the eight years has been the carrying on. But, I have.

Here is the beech tree I drive sometimes to stand under, quietly, in the mornings. To gather my thoughts. From beneath I cannot see the top. We have been acquainted almost 20 years now: it continues and it renews. Silently. I appreciate that.

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